Mobile business
We promise our customers satisfactions and impressions through our nationwide mobile phone carrier shops.
Nowadays, a variety of communication devices and services make customers complicated.
We proudly provide our services that meet all our customersʼ needs.
We will continue to develop our human resources and enhance the quality of our services above all.
Carrier shop business
With the advantage of nationwide network, we are running approx. 330 (as of April 2024) docomo, au, SoftBank, and Y!mobile carrier shops throughout Japan.
We give high priority to the employees’ empowerment and satisfactions.
Distributor business
We also sell wholesale to various partner in each region, consumer electronics mass retailers, and mobile phone specialty stores. For our partners’ best result, we provide valuable services such as inventory control, finance , sales management system, shop staff training and sales promotions at the same quality level as we have been keeping at our own shops.
We have also been running our own activation centers with high level security, logistics and kitting center for our partners throughout Japan.